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Annotated Bibliography on Nursing Education articles.

An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that gives a concise overview of each article to provide the reader with a summary and an evaluation of the research article or any publication. The main purpose is to give a reader the brief idea about the views of the author about the source.

Annotated Bibliography Nursing Education

Manal Zeinhom Ahmed, Hasan Touama, and Ahmad Rayan, “Students' Perspectives about Nursing Education.” American Journal of Educational Research, vol. 3, no. 3 (2015): 288-291. doi: 10.12691/education-3-3-6.
The article was most specifically about, Students' Perspectives about Nursing Education.

1.     Manal Zeinhom Ahmed Faculty of Nursing, Menofia University, Menofia, Egypt / Currently, Dean, Faculty of Nursing, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan
2.     Hasan Touama Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan
3.     Ahmad Rayan Faculty of Nursing, Zarqa University, Zarqa, Jordan

Manal Zeinhom Ahmed, Hasan Touama, and Ahmad Rayan, the authors, wrote this article primarily to evaluate the nursing education, taking the students perspectives into considerations in order to identify areas where improvement is needed in nursing education, regarding the course contents and teaching methodology. The main aim of the study were:
  • Program validation,
  • Curriculum improvement,
  •  Meeting objectives, 
  • Evaluation of innovation, and
  • Understanding the curriculum in whole or in part.
To realize the aim of the study mixed methods using concurrent triangulation design were used where eleven theoretical nursing courses in the first semester were subjected to evaluation by the students.
Quantitative data obtained from students were analyzed using descriptive statistics, additionally, open-ended questions (qualitative data) were read many times and themes were extracted. Finally, results of quantitative data were compared with qualitative data results to confirm the outcomes.
Results indicated that students' perspectives regarding course content were strongly positive, which suggests that students have a clear vision of course content.
  •  Results indicated that online materials were clear, comprehensive and logical.
  • Students coming to class after clinical experience reported feeling tired from working and studying at the same time.
  • High agreement among all students about the instructors’ methods of teaching was observed.
  • The negativity reported by students was the unavailability of hand-outs.
  • A noisy environment of the class and students' interruptions were issues that impeded understanding of course content.
The researcher innovatively evaluates the nursing curricula taking the students perspective into considerations as students are the one to be benefited from the course and the result interpreted suggests that the Instructors should carefully consider the aspects that positively or negatively affect teaching/learning process.
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Masoud Khodaveisi, Mehrnoosh Pazargadi, Farideh Yaghmaei, and Ali Bikmoradi “Challenges for evaluation system in Iranian nursing education”. Articles from Journal of Research in Medical Sciences: The Official Journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences are provided here courtesy of Medknow Publications. Received 2012 Apr 24; Revised 2012 Jun 14; Accepted 2012 Jun 28.

1.Masoud Khodaveisi: Department of Community Health Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
2. Mehrnoosh Pazargadi: Nursing Management, School of Nursing and Midwifery        Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3.Farideh Yaghmaei: Community Health Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Medical Management, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
4. Ali Bikmoradi: Address for correspondence: Dr. Mehrnoosh Pazargadi, Department of Nursing Management, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

The article was most specifically to explore the challenges for effective evaluation of nursing education perceived by academic managers. The author has done a qualitative study was using face-to-face, interviews with academic managers in medical universities and at the Ministry of Health in Iran. All interviews were recorded digitally and analyzed by qualitative content analysis.
  • The author have categorized the challenges under 3 themes, each included 3 subthemes:
  • Managerial issues (inefficacy of management, inadequacy of policies and strategies, ineffective evaluation planning) ;
  • Administrative issues (inefficient and affected evaluators, inappropriate implementation, inefficacy of approaches and tools) ;
  • Structural issues (inappropriate culture, clinical education complexity, lack of alumni follow-up system).

The results emphasize the need for educational evaluation development in nursing, including systematic and regular educational evaluation planning focusing on efficient feedback system and regard to excellence models. The comprehensive educational evaluation requires participation, involvement, and collaboration with the Nursing Board, Nursing ministerial office, faculties of nursing, and Nursing Organization. Thus, it is necessary to better designate current educational evaluation systems, policies, approaches, methods, and procedures.

The problems faced by the Irani nurses can be closely related to the issues in Indian settings, a similar type of study can be carried out in India to assess how the higher authority perceives the effectiveness of nursing education in India.


Selcuk Karaman: “Nurses’ perceptions of online continuing education”. BMC Medical Education 2011 11:86. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-11-86.

Selcuk Karaman: Open Education Faculty, Ataturk University, 25240 Erzurum, Turkey.

This article is about Nurses’ perceptions of online learning as a convenient way of getting professional training, using a sample of 1041 Registered Nurses (RNs) data were collected for this quantitative study to reveal perception levels and relationship on online continuing education. Data were collected through an online instrument and descriptive and inferential analysis techniques using SPSS 18 was performed.
The result showed that Nurses generally have positive perceptions about online learning. A significant difference was seen between nurses who used computers least and those with the highest computer usage. Neither nurses’ ages nor lengths of working experience are significantly related to perceptions of online programs. The difference between perceptions of nurses living in urban areas and those living in rural areas was not significant.
It was observed by the authors that nurses regard online learning opportunities as suitable for their working conditions and needs. Nurses should be provided with continued training through online learning alternatives

This article is very useful as it promotes the use of technology in nursing education making it more simplified, online learning provides flexibility to nurses in both urban and rural areas. Nurses working in small-scale health centers may get the chance to extend their knowledge hence they need not leave their job for perusing higher education at universities. Online continuing nursing education will definitely be a boon for nurses who could not continue her education due to some unforeseen circumstances. 
Annotated Bibliography on Nursing Education articles. Annotated Bibliography on Nursing Education articles. Reviewed by Unknown on 10:55:00 Rating: 5

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